II Corinthians 10:5 (KJV) “Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing
into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
I believe God wants us to be different from the world. We are different because
we are now his children, and we need to even think differently from those of
the world. As we read and study God’s word our thoughts line up more and
more with his. We learn what his will is and we become more like him. This is all
a part of our Christian growth. Our minds become renewed.
God loves us so much that he wants us to learn how to think his way.
Do you know what it means when it says “casting down imaginations?” I believe
in a practical sense that means not to daydream or fantasize about things. When
we do that we may get something in our lives that has a strong hold over us. Our
minds are very powerful. We can think up all kinds of things, not always good.
For example, if we watch certain T.V. shows (like the soaps) maybe we begin
to imagine ourselves playing out the part of the hero or heroine. What if it’s a hot,
steamy sex scene? Do you think God wants us watching that? No, he doesn’t.
When we do, we are conforming to this world.
Notice he says “and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of
Christ.” Isn’t it great to know that we can bring our thoughts into captivity? When
something is captive it is controllable. Our thoughts don’t have to rule us.
Do you know that our thoughts can cause all kinds of things to take place in
our bodies? They can lower or raise our blood pressure and temperatures.
Thoughts can cause us to perspire. All kinds of physical aliments are subject to
the way we think. Such as; headaches, heart problems, colitis, ulcers,
insomnia, irritable bowl syndrome, and more. Relationship problems also can be
affected by the way we think. For example; arguments, disagreements, and other
hurtful words affect us physically.
Do you know our thoughts can trigger panic attacks? Think about the “what
ifs.” As we think about “what if” this or that happens, physical changes actually
do take place in the body. Our adrenaline starts pumping and our hearts
start beating faster and harder. Our hands may break out in a sweat, and
we wonder, “what is happening to me?”
Take a step back then, and realize what you were thinking about.
Remember, God wants us to be able to control our thoughts. I confess I was once
totally controlled by my own thoughts. Now I’ve learned how to take that control
back. I believe with all my heart it is the reason I have not had a panic attack
in over seven years.
During those panic free years I’ve had some of the most challenging times of
my whole life, but I’ve not slipped back into having panic attacks again. Did I
have any panic symptoms? Yes, and when they started to come I was able to
prevent an attack from happening by praying and asking God for help, then
taking control of my thoughts.