Why Tai Chi is Not For Me
Some time ago I wrote a post called “Should Christian’s do Tai Chi?” In that post I gave several links to sites that I researched. They are informative and will tell you a lot about what Tai Chi is...
View ArticleDread, Doubt, Discipline & Deliverance
Dread Does the word dread ever enter your mind or conversation? It does mine. Sometimes when I’m tired I dread having to go to the store for groceries, or I dread the housework facing me that day, or...
View ArticleIf:Gathering — Another Gospel… Again…
Originally posted on Timothy J. Hammons: It seems that we have “another” movement afoot in Christian circles again. This time it is the If:Gathering, which is a woman’s conference led by Jenny Allen...
View ArticleDo Calvinists Put God in a Box? Of Course We Do, But So Do You!
bonlou:Here is an article by Timothy J. Hammons that needs to be read. I’ve heard too many preachers on t.v. say that God’s love is unconditional. It really isn’t you know. God is holy, holy, holy,...
View ArticleA Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare (Part One) | Worldview Weekend
I happened across this very interesting video and thought I’d like to share it with you. If you have ever had any questions about spiritual warfare I think as we listen to this series all of our...
View ArticleDarkness And Light
Ephesians 5:8 Pastor Ron explains to us who we were before we were saved and who we are after salvation. We are as different as night and day. What does the word sanctification mean? Also, do you...
View ArticleThe Fruit of the Light
Ephesians 5:9-10 This week Pastor Ron unpacks these two verses and we can ask ourselves: What kind of fruit will my life produce? Will I produce authentic fruit or plastic fruit? It all depends on...
View ArticleThe Deeds of Darkness!
Ephesians 5:11-13a Pastor Ron Lewis will help us understand what the deeds of darkness are that Paul talks about in this section of scripture. Christians are “children of light.” So, how can...
View ArticleExpose the Deeds of Darkness!
Ephesians 5:11-14 In the past few weeks we have learned who the people are that are in darkness, what the deeds of darkness are, and now we are learning how to walk as believers in this world we live...
View ArticleWisdom vs. Folly
Ephesians 5:15-17 This section of scripture tells us to walk as wise men. Just how are we to do that? Pastor Ron Lewis will explain the difference between wisdom and folly. Today we have much...
View ArticlePut God’s Wisdom on Display!
Ephesians 5:15 “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,” True believers are to walk in wisdom. How are we to do that? Pastor Ron Lewis unpacks this scripture and teaches us...
View ArticleAlways Give Thanks!
Ephesians 5:20 “always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;” This is an especially good Thanksgiving Day message, as we are reminded that we are...
View ArticleMake the Most of Your Time!
Ephesians 5:16 “making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” God has graciously given believers this segment of time here on earth and with that He has given us certain opportunities. Do...
View ArticleHow to Know God’s Will
Ephesians 5:17 So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Today’s sermon concludes the series, “Walk in Wisdom,” that Pastor Ron Lewis is preaching. Many people struggle...
View ArticleWhy the Virgin Birth Matters
Matthew 1:18-25 There are some who say the virgin birth of Jesus Christ doesn’t really matter, and actually deny it. But is that true? Does it matter? This is a very important issue and Pastor Ron...
View ArticleWhy Do I Need A Savior?
Look at Luke 2:10-11 “But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he...
View ArticleDon’t Get Drunk With Wine! Pt 1
Ephesians 5:18a In this portion of scripture we are told not to get drunk with wine. There are many conversations around this subject today, and people have their own opinions about what this...
View ArticleSpiritual Aids: The Church’s #1 Problem
I came across this article and thought it was worth sharing with you. I totally agree that a lack of discernment is the largest problem facing the church today. Do you agree? People are not being...
View ArticleDon’t Get Drunk With Wine! Pt 2
Last week Pastor Ron Lewis helped us understand what the scripture says about drunkenness and the use of wine. This week he gives us some guiding principles to follow. Notes: 3. Some Guiding...
View ArticleIndwelling vs Filled with the Spirit
Ephesians 5:18b …”but be filled with the Spirit.” Do you know that there is a difference between being filled with the Holy Spirit and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? There is much confusion in...
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